How to launch Push campaigns – Part 2

AdminAugust 13, 2020
55/ 100

We are now on part 2 blog on “How to launch Push Campaigns”
How to launch Push campaigns - Part 2
Today I’m gonna show you some important steps in optimizing your campaign after you get your first results.
So, let’s get started!

1. How do you analyze the results?

First of all, you need access to your campaign performance stats.

You can find all the campaign statistics in the Dashboard. For each campaign, you can see such metrics as Impressions, Clicks, Engaged visits (+their % from all the visits), Conversions, CTR, CR (conversion rate), CPM, Cost, and CPA.
Simply click on one campaign and you’ll see the list of all the available targeting groupings.

As you can see from the screenshot below, you’ll be able to see such groups as:

➡ Zones
➡ Creatives
➡ Device Type
➡ Device model
➡ Browser
➡ Mobile ISP
➡ Connection
➡ OS version
➡ OS Type
➡ Language and
➡ Zone type

Read Full Article Here ➡️

#PropellerAds #HowToStartPropellerAds #AffiliateMarketing #PushAds

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